
This happened long back while I was studying, I was having my semester holidays and sitting at home. One day I had a fall in the bathroom because of my stupidity! My fall was so hard that even after 1 week, when swelling reduced, I got all those red, blue marks due to the impact and it was looking so ugly and dead painful. After around 1 month I was still having difficulty moving my hand and the marks were still the same and not reducing at all with so many creams and medicines.
One of my friend suggested me to use Franch Oil NH* Plus. So one day I dragged myself to India in search of Franch Oil NH* Plus and got it. I applied the oil on my arms twice every day and massaged gently. After a week, the marks started to reduce and fade, the pain lessened too. If i’m not wrong within 3-4 weeks my hand was back to normal, the marks totally disappeared and i had no pain. I used less than half of the bottle (100ml).
It may not sound great but it was wonderful for me – even now when I think of those days it’s very painful.
You may ask why I am telling you this story. Well, so you can understand how Franch Oil NH* Plus worked for me and from that time I have become a fan of Franch Oil NH* Plus. I have recommended it to so many people and all of them have benefited too. So if you have any pain or stretch marks then you should try Franch Oil NH* Plus.
Franch Oil NH* Plus is a must in every home.